Франко Паризи подтвердил, что будет выдвигать свою кандидатуру на пост президента в третий раз: "Конечно, я заинтересован".
The PDG leader also referred to an eventual primary with José Antonio Kast and Rodolfo Carter. Franco Parisi confirmed that he would indeed run as a presidential candidate for the next elections in Chile.In conversation with Canal 24 Horas, the founder of the Partido por la Gente assured that "almost everyone in the PDG would be willing to assume a public election position through competitive primaries, of course I am interested (a new presidential candidacy)". ⭕ See moreSimilarly, regarding Kast's leadership and an eventual confrontation in presidential primaries, he categorized him as "a gentleman, I have spoken with him in formal meetings". "He is a politician that we are going to find points of agreement and points of disagreement, and the important thing is to work on the points of agreement that are needed in Chile", he added. ⭕