Южная Америка

Канадский медалист Панамериканских игр в чилийской семье: "Здесь все богато"

"I love humita, sopaipilla, empanada de pino, I like chilenitos, those alfajores and pastel de choclo", expressed the athlete who won silver in Beach Volleyball. The Canadian volleyball player Melissa Humana Paredes won the silver medal in her discipline at the Pan American Games Santiago 2023. But the athlete has not only surprised not only for her impeccable performance in volleyball, but also for her closeness to Chile. The Canadian has a close bond with our country: her parents are Chilean.READ ALSODaughter of Hernán Humaña and Myriam Paredes, the young woman commented on her joy of returning to Chile, since she had not seen her family for seven years. @ecokine Melissa of Chilean parents, player (playerzaza) representing the Canadian volleyball team playa🏝️ Он сказал, что проведет дополнительную неделю в отпуске со своей чилийской семьей и отправится отдыхать в Эль-Табо.