Южная Америка

"Я люблю это": подарок Метро де Сантьяго американскому спортсмену

The outstanding North American athlete also assured that the Santiago Metro "is better than the one in New York". Demitra Carter, an American athlete, received a nice and special gift from Metro de Santiago in the crusade of the Pan American Games 2023.READ ALSO THROUGH her social networks, the athlete commented on what a day is like during her stay in Chile and what she does in a day. It was there where she showed the particular gift that Metro de Santiago gave her. "They gave me a bag with a lot of items, including a comic that is one of the best here, I hope to translate it to read it," she said.In the record you can see the classic Condorito special edition of Metro de Santiago, a bottle of water, a mug with the lines of the network and a brochure of the structure of the cars. @demitra_carter Day 9 of 18 ✅