Южная Америка

"Для всех чилийцев": Гримальт Кузинс продолжает набирать обороты в "Сантьяго 2023" после победы над Мексикой

Marco Grimalt highlighted to 24 Horas that "we have felt the affection of everyone" during these Pan American Games Santiago 2023. Cousins Marco and Esteban Grimalt continue at a steady pace at the Pan American Games Santiago 2023 after defeating Mexico 2-0 in beach volleyball.The representatives of Team Chile clinched their third consecutive victory and defeated the current defending champions in two sets by 21-17 and 21-16.Now, the national athletes are waiting for rivals in the next phase of the Pan American tournament.SOOOOOOLIDOS! Cousins Marco and Esteban Grimalt 🇨🇱 won their group by clinching their third consecutive victory in Santiago 2023.The defending champions beat Mexico 2-0 🇲🇽 (21-17 and 21-16) and are waiting for rivals in the next phase. Так что (эта победа) - для всех чилийцев, которые были важной частью этих игр", - добавил он.