Южная Америка

"Я видела, как люди намазывают его кетчупом": американская спортсменка попробовала все это и вот как она отреагировала

Demitra Carter continues to recount her experiences in Chile while competing in the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games. "My name is Demitra Carter and this is the fourth day of my 18-day stay in Santiago de Chile". Thus the American athlete begins to detail how her day was while she is in the country to represent her country in the Pan American Games.A few days ago she said that the Santiago Subway "is better than the one in New York" and now she recounted her experience after having gone to eat a completo Did she like it? "I ate this for my, quote-unquote, dinner because I ate at like 5 in the afternoon but it was so good: a hot dog, with avocado, tomato and then I saw people putting ketchup and mayonnaise, so I did that too," he recounted in a video posted on Tik Tok.Also Carter expressed his surprise at the number of stray dogs. "There are so many and they're very well behaved. I'd like to take one home. "Before ending her day, she remarked, "The day was beautiful but also a bit chilly. @demitra_carter Day 4 of 18 ✅