Южная Америка

Метеоритная абилитация медицинских вузов: МЭК против УКА, на грани агрессии?

The friction, which bordered on aggression to the head of the state portfolio, according to the vice minister Federico Mora, is the express authorization of the Medical career of the Universidad Privada María Serrana (UPMS) by Cones. "We had a meeting where the rector Narciso (Velázquez), Monsignor Edmundo Valenzuela and the legal advisor César Ruffinelli were present and we had this situation of almost aggression for the projects that the MEC is considering among several", explained Mora in communication with the radio station 1080 AM. He pointed out that the Catholic entity was informed by the National Agency of Accreditation and Evaluation of Higher Education (Aneaes) about irregularities that were detected in the qualification process, which were not taken into account.Mora said that the Cones was warned about the irregularities that had to be aborted before resolving the qualification of medical careers of private universities. It is very necessary to review the Council and replace its management model, because being judge and party does not work. We see universities that sanction other universities and, when they apply it, they have interests or careers linked to those penalized.