Южная Америка

Пенья выделяет позитивную повестку дня в США, уточняет лоббистский контракт

In an interview with Unicanal's Cara o Cruz program, the President of the Republic spoke about his recent visit to the United States and highlighted the opportunity to show others how much our country has to offer. "Paraguay is debating between this Paraguay that moves forward, that inserts itself and abandons the image of an island surrounded by land, this Paraguay that wants to modernize and open up to the world", he stated.💬"Paraguay is debating, between a Paraguay that wants to modernize and this other Paraguay that wants to remain behind, to be a Paraguay for a group of businessmen".👉Santiago Peña In this regard, he pointed out that Paraguay had never had this approach with the U.S. Congress nor had it ever implemented a policy focused on it.Likewise, the president highlighted the fact of having shown the potential and opportunities of Paraguay in terms of clean and renewable energy generation, being a sustainable country adapted to the demands of today's world in environmental matters. At the same time, he also focused on Paraguay's position as a "continental logistics development center".💬"What I am trying to do is to go and talk to those sectors that we have not yet been able to reach, companies, mainly in the real economy, such as Google, a leader in technology platform".👉Santiago Peña "In another moment of the interview, Peña confirmed that in none of the meetings that he developed in the United States was discussed about Horacio Cartes, denying the version regarding the issue. He also recalled that the current head of the ANR has hired a group of lawyers on U.S. soil who are in charge of managing all the issues that concern him.💬"Never before, for the first time in history we have an agenda of a presidential diplomacy specifically aimed at creating a link with the American Congress".👉Santiago Peña "Пенья также подтвердил, что в ходе последнего турне по США все встречи были организованы и скоординированы посольством Парагвая в Вашингтоне, поскольку он являлся главой государства.