Sinaloa Cartel-the Croatian-Paraguay and the
"We are going to determine the country of origin by the chemical analysis that has to be performed. Based on the adulterants and the purity level of the cocaine we are going to determine the origin. Apparently it would be international groups that cooperate with each other to make the shipments", said to 730 AM the prosecutor Fabiola Molas, one of the investigators, in this context, the open investigation counts as a possibility, the implication of the Croatian investor Ivo Rojnica, who has firms in Argentina and Paraguay, arrested days ago in the neighboring country, where he already has a record of trying to send 1. 375 kg of cocaine with methamphetamine. The Argentinean Federal Police, together with its Paraguayan counterpart, confirmed that Rojnica is the owner of 40% of the company based in Paraguay called Negocios Bursátiles Casa de Bolsa S.A., in charge of real estate operations and opening of offshore companies in several countries. Through this company, the Croatian would have articulated an international network that, in fact, constitutes a cooperative of groups of drug traffickers to send drugs to the old continent.according to the investigations being carried out in the neighboring country, the counterpart that should receive the tons of drugs, once they arrived in Europe, was the mafia known as N Торговля долларамиПомимо отмывания денег, хорват Ройница был обвинен министром экономики Аргентины Серхио Массой в том, что он был одним из главных спекулянтов в валютных маневрах, вызвавших резкий рост курса доллара, и был связан с массовой скупкой американской валюты в Парагвае для контрабанды на финансовый рынок страны Эль-Плата.Операция, в результате которой был задержан хорват, проводилась совместно полицией Буэнос-Айреса, федеральной полицией и таможней. Они также арестовали бизнесмена Федерико Пуленту и финансиста Агустина Эстраду Паломеке.