Южная Америка

В день дерби Апертуры между "Пеньяролем" и "Насьоналем" будет работать усиленный транспорт: подробности

В день дерби Апертуры между "Пеньяролем" и "Насьоналем" будет работать усиленный транспорт: подробности
It will not be just another classic. Next Friday, March 29, Peñarol and Nacional will face each other in a duel that will have many spices. Among them, the fact that it will take place during the week, at 4:00 p.m. and in the framework of the Holy Week or Tourism Week. Although this generated some discomfort in some soccer players, the Executive Board decided so after the request of the Ministry of the Interior that the game should not be played that weekend because many people choose those days to return from their vacations. Of course, even though many fans have their own vehicle, there are also a lot of fans who will arrive at the Campeón del Siglo by public transport and the fact that the game will be played on Good Friday could cause complications in that sense. Anyway, in the afternoon it was informed that there will be reinforcement of transport, at least in the suburban buses. The news was announced by Joselo Hernández, Coordinator of the Metropolitan Area of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works, through his social networks. "This Friday of Tourism Week, there will be reinforcement of services by the companies CUTCSA and COPSA for those who wish to attend the classic at the Campeón del Siglo stadium", he informed. In dialogue with В пятницу будет предоставлено 48% от того количества услуг, которое есть в рабочий день". Но он также добавил: "Обычно, когда происходит какое-то событие, компании представляют нам увеличение объема услуг", что и было подтверждено несколько часов спустя. Эрнандес сказал: "В день из Монтевидео в Пандо ходит 150 пригородных рейсов и наоборот. Если мы говорим о воскресном дне, то это половина", хотя для пятницы классики это будет чуть больше половины, учитывая усиление.

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